SAPX - PT. Satria Antaran Prima Tbk

Rp 615

-115 (-15,75%)

JAKARTA. The Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) in trading on Friday (13/12) today closed down 0.94% or 69.45 points to 7,324.79, following the weakening of all sectoral indices.

JCI was at its highest level of 7,399 today, and at its lowest level of 7,324. Previously, the JCI opened at level 7,394.

Declines also occurred in all sectoral indices today. The energy sector experienced a decline of 0.04%, Basic Materials -1.64%, Industry 0.44%, Cyclical -0.73%, Non-Cyclical -0.03%, Health -0.90%, Finance 0.96 %, Property -0.76%, Technology -0.81%, Infrastructure -0.31%, and Transportation -1.29%.

PT Golden Flower Tbk (POLU) shares were ranked first in Top Gainers, with the highest share price increase of 24.79%. Meanwhile, shares of PT Satria Antaran Prima Tbk (SAPX) occupy the first position in Top Loosers, with the biggest price decline, namely 24.86%.

The value of shares purchased by foreign investors (foreign buy) was recorded at IDR 4.8 trillion. The sales value of foreign investors (foreign sell) was IDR 6.19 trillion, the transaction value of foreign investors recorded net sales (net foreign sell) of IDR 146.02 billion.

The volume of shares traded on the stock exchange today was recorded at 183.37 million lots in all markets. Meanwhile, the total value of transactions that took place during one day was IDR 12.08 trillion, which was carried out in 1 million transactions. (KR/LM)