
PT. Bank Victoria International Tbk

Issuer Code


Number of shares offered


Ratio (previous stock:new stock)

100 : 67

Nominal Value

Rp 100 per share

Exercise Price

 Rp 150

Dilution (if shareholders do not exercise their rights)

 Max. 40.12%

Plan of proceeds usage

  • The purpose of PMHMETD VI is to strengthen the capital structure to fulfil the minimum core capital.
  • Proceeds obtained from Pre-emptive Rights, after deducting all costs related to PMHMETD VI, will be used entirely as working capital through business development in the form of credit expansion.
  • If proceeds cannot be disbursed, they will be placed in Bank Indonesia instruments and/or Government Securities.

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS)

June 3, 2022

Effective Date

July 29, 2022

Cum Date in Regular and Negotiated Markets

August 8, 2022

Ex Date in Regular and Negotiated Markets

August 9, 2022

Cum Date in Cash Market

August 10, 2022

Ex Date in Cash Market

August 11, 2022

Recording Date

August 10, 2022

Distribution Date

August 11, 2022

Listing Date

August 12, 2022

Trading Period of Rights issue

August 12 - 26, 2022

Distribution Period of Rights Issue

September 6 - 30, 2022

Last Payment Date of Additional Share Orders

August 30, 2022

Allotment Date

August 31, 2022

Refund date of excess money purchase of Additional Shares

September 1, 2022


BVIC - PT. Bank Victoria International Tbk

Rp 83

+1 (+1,22%)