
Thursday, November 17, 2016


Seminar 2 Room , 1st Floor
Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia Tower 2
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190


10:00 (GMT+7)


  1. Changes in the Board of Directors and / or Board of Commissioners.
  2. An explanation of the material transaction to be performed and Approval of planned issuance of debt securities denominated in US Dollars with a principal amount of as much as US $200.000.000,  to be issued by the grandson of the company controlled by the Company through to the Offer investors outside the territory of the Republic of Indonesia , which will be secured by a corporate guarantee by the Company , which is a material transaction by Bapepam -LK No. IX.E.2 , Appendix Decision of Chairman of BapepamLK. No. Kep- 614 / BL / 2011 dated 28 November 2011 regarding Material Transactions and Change of Main Business ( Rule No.IX.E.2).
PBRX - PT. Pan Brothers Tbk

Rp 20

+1 (+5,00%)