Inflation hit 2.51% in June 2024, lower than last year

JAKARTA – Inflation rate was reported declining in June 2024 compared to June 2023, even lower than June 2022. The highest inflation was detected in West Sumatra, of 4.04%.
Based on Statistics Indonesia (lit. Badan Pusat Statistik/BPS) data quoted Monday (1/7), Windhiarso Ponco Adi, Director of Price Statistics of BPS, said that the year-on-year (yoy) inflation reached 2.51% in June 2024, with Consumer Pirce Index at 106.28%. “The year-on-year (yoy) inflation is due to increased price as indicated through the indexes of most of expenditure categories,” he said.
The categories in question include food, beverage and tobacco products that increased 4.95%, clothes and footwear 1.09%, housing, water, electricity, and household fuel 0.47%, household tools, equipment, and maintenance 0.95%, healthcare 1.89%, transportation 1.61%, recreation, sport, and culture 1.50%, education 1.69%, food and beverage providers (restaurants) 2.31%, personal care and other services 5.24%. The expenditure category that was seen declining was only information, technology, and financial services of 0.18%.
In June 2023, inflation rate was 3.52% lower than June 2022 of 4.35%. For January-June 2024, the inflation rate was 1.07% lower from 1.24% in 2023, even lower than 3.19% in the same period in 2022. (LK/ZH)