CHEM - PT. Chemstar Indonesia Tbk

Rp 58

+3 (+5,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Chemstar Indonesia Tbk (CHEM) is targeting revenue to reach IDR 207 billion in 2025, an increase from projected revenue of IDR 161 billion at the end of 2024. This number is deemed obtainable following growth in energy and agrobusiness segments.

Kwee Sutrimo, President Director of CHEM, said that the company will aggressively expand to energy and agrobusiness sector in 2025.

“The revenue from energy segment is targeted at IDR 60 billion, agrobusiness IDR 20 billion, and the remaining IDR 127 billion came from textile segment,” said Sutrimo quoted Wednesday (20/11).

According to Sutrimo, the company estimates 10%, 50%, and 300% growth next year in textile, energy, and agrobusiness segments, respectively.

Then, textile segment will contribute 60% of total revenue, while energy-agrobusiness cover the remaining 40%.

At the end of this year, CHEM projects realised revenue at IDR 161 billion, brought in by textile segment of IDR 116 billion, energy IDR 40 billion, and agrobusiness IDR 5 billion. (LK/ZH)