HOKI - PT. Buyung Poetra Sembada Tbk

Rp 105

+1 (+0,95%)

JAKARTA - PT Buyung Poetra Sembada Tbk (HOKI) is purchasing rice products from PT Gurih Mitra Perkasa (GMP) for IDR 130 billion. The agreement signing took place last week (16/1).

Muliati, Director of HOKI, mentioned that the transaction value of this purchase does not reach 20% of its equity as of September 2024.

“The contract period is set for the upcoming year,” Muliati said, cited today (20/1).

According to Muliati, the transaction will boost HOKI’s rice sales. Between HOKI and GMP are not affiliated.

As of September 2024, HOKI’s total equity was reported at IDR 671.30 billion, up from IDR 661.57 billion seen in the same period in 2023.

HOKI's sales amounted to IDR 1.06 trillion, marking an increase from IDR 888.49 billion. Rice products contributed IDR 1.05 trillion to the sales, while power plant rental brought in IDR 10.80 billion.

Meanwhile, profits from securities trading reached IDR 19.96 billion, and realized gains from the sale of portfolio securities were IDR 280.45 million.

GMP is known as a manufacturer of packaged foods, including Gurih brand rice. (LK/ZH)