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Share purchase transactions recorded larger, net foreign volume surplus at 426.93 million shares

30 Sep 2024 10:02

Foreign investors bought more shares on Friday, September 27, than they sold. Foreign purchasing volume was recorded at 4.53 billion shares, while foreign selling volume was 4.11 billion shares. As a result, the net foreign volume surplus at around 426.93 million shares. Foreign investors initiated share purchase transactions by buying 2.26 billion shares of the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) and resulting in a net volume of 192.76 million shares.

Share purchase transactions recorded larger, net foreign volume surplus at 426.93 million shares

Foreign buying volume hit 3 billion shares, net foreign volume surplus at 248.45 million shares

01 Aug 2024 19:31

Foreign buying volume reached 3.17 billion shares, and foreign selling volume was 2.92 billion shares on Wednesday, July 31. This difference puts net foreign volume in the green zone with 248.45 million shares. The shares with the greatest acquisitions belonged to PT Exploitasi Energi Indonesia Tbk (CNKO), which works in the coal trading and steam-electric power plant sectors. The CNKO shares were purchased for 200 million shares without any shares being sold so that the net volume was at the same figure.

Foreign buying volume hit 3 billion shares, net foreign volume surplus at 248.45 million shares

Net foreign volume posts surplus of 58.12 million shares

22 Jun 2024 09:51

After days of being in the red zone, net foreign volume on Thursday, June 20, finally entered the green zone, although with just 58.12 million shares. The foreign buying volume was around 3.50 billion shares, while the foreign selling volume was 3.44 billion shares. Foreign investors then began buying shares by purchasing 105.69 million shares of domestic and foreign shipping services company PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk (BULL), for a net volume of 83.21 million shares

Net foreign volume posts surplus of 58.12 million shares

Foreign selling volume surpasses 4 billion shares, net foreign volume drops to -1.13 billion shares

13 Jun 2024 17:37

Share sales by foreign investors on Tuesday, June 11, resulted in foreign selling volume reaching 4.06 billion shares. In addition, foreign investors also carried out share purchase transactions and recorded a foreign purchase volume of 2.93 billion shares. This huge disparity caused net foreign volume to drop to -1.13 billion shares. The digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) is still ranked #1 on the top sell list, having sold 2.22 billion shares for a net volume of -762.99 million.

Foreign selling volume surpasses 4 billion shares, net foreign volume drops to -1.13 billion shares