Matahari to cut buyback budget up to 80%
28 Mar 2023 06:23
PT Matahari Department Store Tbk (LPPF) cut the allocated funds for shares buyback to IDR 200 billion, 80% lower than the initially planned budget
28 Mar 2023 06:23
PT Matahari Department Store Tbk (LPPF) cut the allocated funds for shares buyback to IDR 200 billion, 80% lower than the initially planned budget
24 Mar 2023 17:40
PT Ashmore Asset Management Tbk (AMOR), an investment management company that has been operating since 2010, will carry out a share buyback.
17 Mar 2023 14:26
PT Bank BTPN Tbk (BTPN) will extend the period for the sales of 92.46 million shares starting from Friday (17/3) until May 23, 2024.
13 Mar 2023 14:01
Annual general meeting of shareholders (AGMS) of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (BBRI) today (13/3/2023) agreed to buy back shares buyback of IDR 1.5 trillion. The shares from this year's buyback will be used for the implementation of a share ownership program for both employees and directors.
13 Mar 2023 05:38
Regarding its upcoming shares buyback plan of IDR 1 trillion, PT Matahari Department Store Tbk (LPPF) had limited the buyback price to a maximum of IDR 7,900 per share.
10 Mar 2023 13:02
PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBNI) plans to conduct a shares buyback with an allocated budget of IDR 905 billion.
09 Mar 2023 09:36
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero), also known as Pelindo, has bought back some of the global senior notes with a total transaction worth USD 58.27 million or approximately IDR 900.2 billion.
09 Mar 2023 09:25
PT Integra Indocabinet Tbk (WOOD), a processed wood and furniture manufacturer, will arrange a shares buyback with an allocated budget of IDR 50 billion.
08 Mar 2023 10:43
PT Dayamitra Telekomunikasi Tbk (MTEL), also known as Mitratel, will conduct a shares buyback with an allocated budget of IDR 1.5 trillion.
28 Feb 2023 06:10
PT Samator Indo Gas Tbk (AGII) seeks fresh funds by selling off its shares acquired from the buyback.