
BNI Syariah targets sales of SR013 retail sukuk of Rp 75 billion

31 August 2020 08:31

JAKARTA - BNI Syariah was officially appointed by the Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management (DJPPR) of the Ministry of Finance as the new distribution partner for the sale of retail state sharia securities or Retail Sukuk SR-013. In the initial sale of SR013, BNI Syariah targets sales of Rp 75 billion.

The President Director of BNI Syariah, Abdullah Firman Wibowo, hopes that the inclusion of BNI Syariah as a new distribution partner can diversify the needs of banking products, especially investment customers. "Retail Sukuk SR013 with a 6.05% coupon can be an attractive investment option for the public, so it is hoped that it can further increase customer loyalty," said Abdullah Firman Wibowo.

To achieve the SR013 Retail Sukuk sales target, BNI Syariah prepared two marketing strategies, namely internal and external. Internally, BNI Syariah targets employees as a captive market. Meanwhile, externally, marketing through online publication media such as providing influencers, digital marketing, digital flyers / posters, educational videos to other publication media such as websites and other outdoor media.

For information, the Ministry of Finance is offering retail sukuk SR013 series from August 28, 2020 to September 23, 2020. The coupon offered is 6.05 percent per year with 15 percent tax. SR is tradable with a tenor of three years. Minimum purchase is Rp 1 million and a maximum of Rp 3 billion. (LM)

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