
Bundamedik to focus on robotic surgery in Bunda Hospital this year

28 January 2022 10:48

JAKARTA. PT Bundamedik Tbk (BMHS), an issuer of the Bunda hospital network, will concentrate on expanding and developing the robot-assisted surgery system (robotic surgery) this year.

According to Yudiyantho, Managing Director of BMHS, robotic surgery technology is preferred by surgery patients due to several factors. For example, the surgery is more time-efficient, the risk of bleeding is lower, and the post-surgery recovery is also faster.

In 2022, BMHS will extend the robotic surgery facility to the treatment for uterine myoma, ovarian cysts, uterus removal surgery (hysterectomy), bowel/colon cancer (colorectal cancer/CRC), and hernia surgery. With this added coverage, Yudiyantho believed that the healthcare service in Indonesia could match the ones abroad.

“Therefore, the public will not need to go overseas as they can access the best healthcare service in their own country,” Yudiyantho claimed in the official statement.

For the record, robotic surgery in Bunda Hospital was first introduced in 2012. Currently, BMHS has 16 specialist doctors with a robotic surgery certification. The total number of medical cases treated by Bunda Hospital using the said robotic surgery facility amounts to 600 cases.

Based on idnfinancials.com data, BMHS launched its initial public offering (IPO) of 682 million shares back in July 2021. The said corporate action managed to raise IDR 231.88 billion, allocated to the working capital and the company’s operational needs. (KR/ZH)

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