
Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Blue Sky Hotel-Petamburan
Astro Room, 2nd Floor
AIPDA KS Tubun Street No.19 Petamburan
Jakarta 10260


09:30 AM


Approval and authorization to Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors to perform all necessary actions in relation to the activities of loan and / or pledge the Company's assets either in part or in whole, including the pledge of shares and / or Corporate Guarantee to Banks, Financial Institutions or other third parties for the interests of the Company and / or its subsidiaries including but not limited to PT. Anugerahinti Gemanusa, PT. Maiska Bhumi Semesta, PT. Malindi Persada Khatulistiwa up to the next Annual General Meeting of Shareholders by not ruling out the Company's articles of association and prevailing laws and regulations.

ETWA - PT. Eterindo Wahanatama Tbk

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