
AWS plans to invest in Indonesia

24 January 2020 08:57

JAKARTA - On a series of agendas while the 2020 World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita held a meeting with the Vice President of Amazon Web Service's Global Public Policy, Michael Punke. The company, which is Amazon's technology services division, will open an infrastructure area (AWS region) in Jakarta at the end of 2021 or early 2022.

"So, we welcome Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS)'s investment plan in Indonesia. We hope this will spur the development of the manufacturing sector, startups to small and medium industries (IKM) in the country to transform towards industry 4.0," said Minister AGK in his statement received in Jakarta on Thursday (1/23).

AWS Jakarta will become the 9th AWS region in the Asia Pacific region, which joins existing regions in Beijing, Mumbai, Ningxia, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo and Hong Kong. AWS Jakarta is planned to consist of three Availability Zones, each of which consists of several data centers. At present, AWS has presented 69 Availability Zones in 22 regions throughout the world.

Minister AGK added that the US-based company also plans to implement a cloud computing skills improvement program designed to help digital transformation in Indonesia. This effort includes setting targets to train hundreds of thousands of Indonesian human resources in various cloud services expertise by 2025. (LM)

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