
GoPay recorded a total transaction value of US$ 6.3 billion

28 January 2020 13:45

JAKARTA. GoPay recorded a total transaction value of US$ 6.3 billion during 2019,  supported by GoRide and GoFood services.

Winny Triswandhani, Head of Corporate Communications at GoPay, said the company was supported by hundreds of thousands of merchants who had worked together with GoPay. "At present, there are more than 420 thousand GoPay business partners in Indonesia," Triswandhani said as quoted by Kontan on Monday (27/1) yesterday.

In addition, said Triswandhani, the trend of non-cash payments in Indonesia is growing. Even for the Regional Government (Pemda). "It can realize the efficiency, effectiveness and transparency of local government governance," he said.

In the first place, the biggest contributor to GoPay in 2019 was GoRide, followed by GoFood and GoSend. (KR/AR)

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