
Waskita Beton shares suspended following technical issues

30 July 2020 13:01

JAKARTA. The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) has suspended the shares of PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk (WSBP) in all markets following technical issues that have delayed the company's bond interest payment to the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (ICSD).

The suspension, effective since session I on Thursday (30/7), took place following ICSD's KSEI-7862/DIR/0720 announcement issued on July 20 concerning the delay of the third interest payment of Shelf-Registered Bond I Waskita Beton Precast Phase II/2019 (WSBP01CN2).

In a previous announcement, ICSD said the third interest payment of the bond had not been effectively transferred into ICSD's account on the set deadline.

According to WSBP Finance Director Anton Y. Nugroho, technical issues occurred after the company transferred the payment and thus it did not deliberately delay payment. He said WSBP transferred the fund on July 29 and the fund would be effectively transferred into ICSD's account on July 30, the set maturity date.

"We would like to inform that there were technical issues on the transfer of bond interest payment to ICSD," Mr Nugroho told IDNFinancials.com on Thursday. (AM/MS)

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