
Government prepares Rp 3.3 trillion grant to revive tourism

22 October 2020 10:48

JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance has prepared a grant of Rp. 3.3 trillion for the tourism sector which has been affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The grant will be given based on the Minister of Finance Regulation No. 46 of 2020 on the Management of Grants from the Central Government to Local Governments in the Context of Handling the 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic and the Impact of the 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic and the Decree of the Minister of Finance No. 23/KM.7/2020 on the Stages of Distribution of Tourism Grants in the Framework of National Economic Recovery in the 2020 Fiscal Year.

"This grant will also help local governments prepare a clean and healthy tourism environment that adheres to the COVID-19 health protocol, especially for the hotel and restaurant industry," wrote the Ministry of Finance in an official statement, Wednesday (21/10).

According to the Ministry of Finance, the criteria for the recipient of tourism grants are as follows: it is one of the 10 Priority Tourism Destinations (DPP) or five Super Priority Destinations (DSP), is a provincial capital, is a branding destination, generates Hotel Tax and Restaurant Tax (PHPR) at least 15% of Regional Original Income (PAD) in the 2019 fiscal year, and have one of 100 Calendar of Events (CoE).

In phase I, 70% of the grant funds will be distributed to hotels and restaurants, while in phase II the remaining 30% will be injected into the regional treasury if at least 50% of the funds for phase I have been passed on by the local government to the tourism industry. (MS)

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