
Bambang Brodjonegoro is set to be Astra International commissary

17 June 2021 10:46

JAKARTA. PT Astra International Tbk (ASII) welcomes its new commissary, Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro. The appointment takes place during the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting today (17/6).

Boy Kelana Soebroto, the Head of Corporate Communication of ASII, states that Brodjonegoro’s office period would last until the Annual General Shareholders Meeting in 2024. In today’s meeting, it was also decided that the honorarium is set at IDR 1.8 billion monthly for each member of the commissary board.

According to idnfinancials.com data, Brodjonegoro once took office as the Minister of Research and Technology of 2019-2021. He also used to be the Minister of National Planning and Development of 2016-2019 and the Minister of Finance of 2014-2016. Brodjonegoro currently acts as the President Commissary of PT Bukalapak and the Commissary of PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk (TLKM).

Below is the new structure of ASII’s board of commissary:

President Commissary: Prijono Sugiarto

Independent Commissary: Sri Indrastuti Hadiputranto

Independent Commissary: Rahmat Waluyanto

Independent Commissary: Apinont Suchewaboripont

Independent Commissary: Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro

Commissary: Anthony John Liddell Nightingale

Commissary: Benjamin William Keswick

Commissary: John Raymond Witt

Commissary: Stephen Patrick Gore

Commissary: Benjamin Birks


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