
Ministry of Industry optimizes natural rubber downstreaming through the DAPATI program

23 November 2021 11:26

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry plays an active role in boosting the ability of small and medium industries (IKM) to be more efficient, qualified and competitive. The IKM sector has a strategic role in accelerating the national economic recovery in the current pandemic era.

"The various problems faced by SMEs today are not only limited to product marketing needs, but also the need to increase their mastery of industrial technology to produce products that meet standards, are of high quality and are able to compete in the market," said Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita in Jakarta, Monday (22 /11).

One of the potential natural resources that need to be optimized further in downstreaming is natural rubber. Indonesia is the second largest natural rubber producer in the world, so it plays an important role in supplying the needs of the export market.

According to the Head of BSKJI, in order to realize these efforts, his party has a Technology Improvement Partnership Fund (DAPATI) program. This strategic program aims to facilitate IKM players spread across various regions of Indonesia in their efforts to master technology and improve the quality of their products so that they can be competitive, including food and non-food SMEs. (LM)

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