
Jati Sejati Investment filed a PKPU against Sidomulyo Selaras

25 January 2022 12:05

JAKARTA – Jati Sejati Investment Limited (JSI) filed a temporary suspension of debt payment obligation (lit. Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang/PKPU) against PT Sidomulyo Selaras Tbk (SDMU), a transportation company, in Central Jakarta District Court. The lawsuit was filed yesterday (24/1) under the case No. 15/Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2022 PN Niaga Jkt.

Quoting the information disclosure of Central Jakarta District Court on Tuesday (25/1), JSI filed the request for the court to grant the PKPU statement to SDMU for 45 days, assign and appoint the Commercial Court Judge as the monitoring judge regarding the request, and order SDMU officials to attend the court within 45 days since the PKPU takes legal effect.

In the said information sheet, the details regarding the primary cause of JSI’s lawsuit against SDMU have yet to be disclosed.

Based on the data from the website jatisejati.com, JSI is said to be headquartered at New Horizon Building Suite 105,3 o Miles Philip SW Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize, California, United States of America. This company claims to manage investments of several companies and partner with some financial and legal advisors in Southeast Asia. (LK/ZH)

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