
Bank of India Indonesia seeks IDR 1.39 trillion in a rights issue

22 August 2022 16:13

JAKARTA. PT Bank of India Indonesia Tbk (BSWD) aims to score IDR 1.39 trillion of fresh funds by increasing the capital with pre-emptive rights, also known as a rights issue.

The number of shares to be issued by BSWD in this forthcoming corporate action amounts to 1.39 billion units of IDR 200 each. For every old share, the holder will gain one right to purchase one updated share for IDR 1,000 per share.

The recording date of the right issue is set to August 31, 2022, while the distribution of pre-emptive rights will take place on September 1, 2022. The listing of new shares will then follow on September 2, 2022.

In the issued prospectus, it is said that BSWD will utilise the rights issue proceeds to increase its minimum core capital to IDR 2 trillion as a proof of compliance to the Financial Services Authority Regulations No.12/POJK.03/2020 regarding Consolidation of Conventional Banks.

Bank of India (BOI), as the controller of 76% of BSWD, has prepared a budget of IDR 1 trillion to gain 1.06 billion new shares. However, the remaining unclaimed rights of BOI will not be claimed or transferred to other parties. (KR/ZH)

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