JAKARTA. The Statistics Indonesia (lit. Badan Pusat Statistik/BPS) recorded 5.51% year-on-year (yoy) inflation rate throughout 2022 in Indonesia. In December 2022 alone, the inflation was said to reach 0.66% month-to-month (mtm) due to Christmas and New Year.

Today (2/1), Margo Yuwono, Head of BPS, reveals that the commodities contributed the most to the monthly inflation, especially the food and beverages segment, as well as tobacco products. Other groups that contribute to the inflation are housings, water and electricity, household fuel, and transportations. They contributed 0.06% to total inflation rate, recording 0.45% of inflation of their own.

Yuwono adds that BPS has monitored inflation rates across cities in Indonesia. All cities are said to display increases in their consumer price index, especially Bandung that boasts highest inflation of 2.04%. On the other hand, Sorong records the lowest inflation of 0.01%.

Yuwono further explained that prior to the pandemic, in December 2019, the inflation reached 0.34% mtm. During the pandemic in 2020 and 2021, the inflation hit 0.45% mtm and 0.57% mtm mark. “In December 2022, the inflation clocked up to 0.66% mtm due to seasonal reasons, which are school breaks, Christmas, and New Year,” he stated. (AM/ZH)