ARCI - PT. Archi Indonesia Tbk

Rp 258

+2 (+1,00%)

JAKARTA. PT Archi Indonesia Tbk (ARCI), a mineral mining holding company, has terminated mining activities in two mining pits operated by its subsidiaries in North Minahasa and Bitung, North Sulawesi.

Hidayat Dwiputro Sulaksono, Corporate Secretary of ARCI, said that the activity termination in both mining pits had to be done following heavy rain on April 6-7, 2024, which let to flood and landslide in several sites. “In regard to said event, North Minahasa and Bitung governments have called for an Emergency Response status since April 7, 2024,” he explained in the official statement.

Sulaksono further mentioned that this condition directly impacted mining pit locations operated by two subsidiaries of the company, namely PT Meares Soputan Mining (MSM) and PT Tambang Tondano Nusajaya (TTN). “It caused flood and landslide in one of the pits owned by MSM and TTN,” he said.

However, Sulaksono clarified that there were no dead or injured people affected by these disasters. However, this event is believed to hinder mining activities in related pits, as well as the company’s cash flow throughout the restoration process.

“The company will initiate strategic steps to reduce the impact of these flood and landslide,” Sulaksono concluded. (KR/ZH)