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Finalized! Gafur Sulistyo Umar holds 3.29 billion shares of Maharaksa Biru Energi (OASA)

27 Jan 2023 09:45

Bobby Gafur Umar's acquisition of 3.29 billion OASA shares was completed on Friday, January 20. After purchasing 980 million and 1.2 billion shares in the previous days, this investor, also known as Gafur Sulistyo Umar, then purchased 1,114,075,000 shares of PT Maharaksa Biru Energi Tbk (OASA) for a total ownership of 58.13%.

Finalized! Gafur Sulistyo Umar holds 3.29 billion shares of Maharaksa Biru Energi (OASA)

Bayu Berlian Makmur acquired 781 million shares of Widodo Makmur Unggas

19 Jan 2023 07:50

On Thursday, January 12, poultry farming company PT Bayu Berlian Makmur purchased 781,692,619 shares of PT Widodo Makmur Unggas Tbk (WMUU). The company, which is based in Sragen, Central Java, is the newest WMUU investor with a direct stake of 6.04%. PT Widodo Makmur Perkasa Tbk, however, as WMUU's parent company, is seen selling 176.09 million shares of its subsidiary, which is also engaged in the poultry industry.

Bayu Berlian Makmur acquired 781 million shares of Widodo Makmur Unggas