JAKARTA. PT Pegadaian (Persero), a financial institution owned by the Government of Indonesia, carried out a public offering of bonds with a total principal amount of IDR 2.6 trillion.

The debt securities offered by Pegadaian are in the form of Sustainable Bonds V Phase III Year 2023 with a principal amount of IDR 1.99 trillion. In addition, the company also offers Phase III Year 2023 Sustainable Mudharabah Sukuk with a principal amount of IDR 605 billion.

The bonds are offered in 2 series, namely series A with a principal amount of IDR 1.59 trillion and series B of IDR 400 billion. Coupons offered for series A are 5.80% per year and series B 6.20% per year.

Meanwhile the profit sharing offered for Pegadaian Phase III Year 2023 Shelf Registration Mudharabah Sukuk II is in the form of floating.

The public offering period for Pegadaian's bonds and sukuk mudharabah will take place on 12-13 June 2023. Listing on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) will take place on 19 June 2023 and the first payment of interest and profit sharing will be on 16 September 2023.

Pegadaian has appointed a number of securities companies as underwriters for the issuance of bonds and mudharabah bonds. A number of companies were appointed namely PT BCA Sekuritas, PT BNI Sekuritas, PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas, PT Mandiri Sekuritas, and PT Indo Premier Sekuritas. (KR/LM)