JAKARTA. The potential of cybermedia in Indonesia is deemed improving as the number of internet users grow approximately 10% per year.

This statement is given by Wahyu Dhyatmika, Chairman of Indonesia Cybermedia Association (lit. Asosiasi Media Siber Indonesia/AMSI) during its national committee formation. For the record, AMSI is a non-profit organisation established in 2017 to improve the quality of cybermedia in Indonesia. As of now, AMSI records 456 media companies under its member list.

In order to face the challenge of cybermedia business in Indonesia, Dhyatmika said that AMSI is ready to give its best to assist its members. “So that we could respond to the business challenge and improve digital media ecosystem in Indonesia,” he mentioned in the written statement.

Meanwhile, Maryadi, Secretary-General of AMSI, revealed that his party has formed a new committee that will take office for the next 4 years. “We believe that this new committee will be more agile and adaptive in responding to business and technology development in media industry,” he explained.

The national managing committee of AMSI that had been inaugurated on September 18, 2023, consists of:

  • Chairman: Wahyu Dyhatmika (Tempo.co)
  • Secretary-General: Maryadi (Katadata.co.id)
  • Vice Chairman: Suwardjono (Suara.com), Citra Dyah Prastuti (KBR.id), Upi Asmaradhana (Kabarmakassar.com)
  • Vice Secretary-General: Yulis Sulistyawan (Tribunnews.com), Saptini Darmaningrum (Beritajatim.com)
  • Treasury: Gaib Maruto Sigit (MNC Radio Network)
  • Vice Treasury: Ismoko Widjaya (Viva.co.id), Elin Y Kristanti (Liputan6.com)