JAKARTA. Universitas Pertahanan has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with 3 companies from France and Sweden, in anticipation of the upcoming water crisis.

The MoU was signed in the Water Security Seminar - Technology For Indonesia series, which was held on Friday (22/9) at Universitas Pertahanan. This event, which was initiated together with Indonesia Business Post Media, was attended by a number of important figures. Starting from the Indonesian Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto, Chancellor of Universitas Pertahanan Major General TNI Jonni Mahroza, more than 15 international water experts, to technology companies in the field of water conservation and security from within the country and abroad.

Jonni Mahroza said in his official statement that this agenda was an effort to find solutions for water resource security, using the latest technology. "This seminar activity is a follow-up to Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto's call to Universitas Pertahanan RI on September 20 2022 to research water source technology to overcome the water crisis in Indonesia," said Mahroza.

Meanwhile, Annelis Putri, Founder and Director of Indonesia Business Post, said that the dozens of companies and water security technology experts presented on the agenda could support Indonesia's water management and security revolution.

According to Mahroza, the condition of water security in Indonesia is currently heading towards a water crisis. This is characterized by drought in a number of areas, starting from Nusa Tenggara (NTT and NTB), Maluku, Java (Gunung Kidul), as well as flooding in Jakarta and a number of other big cities.

Collaborative research and development of water security technology

3 companies from France and Sweden are involved in collaboration with Universitas Pertahanan, namely Osmosun (France), Bluwater (Sweden), and Ellipse Projects (France). Later, these three companies will hold a number of joint programs with Universitas Pertahanan to answer the challenges of the water crisis.

Osmosun, with experience in water desalination technology, will work with Universitas Pertahanan to create a water access program on remote islands. Then Bluewater, with experience in the field of emergency and disaster water solutions, will work together to develop water security in disaster-prone areas.

Meanwhile, Ellipse Projects will collaborate to carry out digital research on water security with Universitas Pertahanan (KR/LM)