PNM Ventura Syariah seeks IDR 40 billion in sukuk issuance

JAKARTA. PT PNM Ventura Syariah, one of many subsidiaries of PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM), will raise fresh funds of IDR 40 billion through the issuance of Medium Term Sukuk Mudharabah II Year 2022 Phase II.
This security was just registered in Indonesia Central Security Depository (KSEI) earlier today (9/1) under ISIN code "IDJ000025101."
For the record, said sukuk mudharabah will be issued sans public offering. PNM Ventura Syariah also grants an annual floating yield, which will be paid every month.
The distribution of sukuk mudharabah is scheduled to take place on January 11, 2023. With a tenor of 3 years, the sukuk will mature on January 11, 2026.
PNM Ventura Syariah has appointed PT Bahana Sekuritas as the lead arranger of this sukuk mudharabah issuance, while assigning the trustee position to PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk (BJBR). (KR/ZH)